Tuesday, January 4, 2011


yoyoyo, it's 2011! and this will be my last year in secondary.


i don't have much time for this but CHECK THIS OUT!

my new guitar gear! It's a Digitech RP355 guitar modeling processor.
It's really good but it's not working well with the software. DAMN IT!

btw, i got new shoes too. It's some old school design van's but i kinda like it

It's 2011 and that means it's the year for..........SPM!
so my first goal for this year is to focus on my studies. I've been really lazy for the past whole year, and now i have to pay for it. I really need to buck up if i wanna do well in my SPM.

btw, i've put on a lot of weight during the holidays. I was eating all the time and did really little exercise. Now, i'm gonna workout hard to burn those fats. Right now, my main goal is to lose fat, not gaining muscle mass.

I'm trying to have a lean, functional and naturally muscular body which is exactly the right body type for tkd sparring or any other martial arts.

In my opinion, those guys that are trying to gain muscle all the time are really doing the wrong thing unless they're trying to be a bodybuilder. Seriously, being extremely muscular is not functional at all. What's the point of having arms like the size of a basketball or chest that look like they need to put a bra on when they can't even defend themselves when they're lives depend on it!?

well, these are just MY personal opinion. It's YOUR body, your life, you can do whatever you want:)

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